Gemma Robin


UK and European Patent Attorney | UPC Representative


About Gemma

Gemma handles a wide variety of telecommunications subject matter, with a particular emphasis on technology and protocols relating to the Internet of Things and to Network Management and Orchestration; encompassing Software Defined Networks, Network Functions Virtualisation, Cloud and Fog computing. In this context, Gemma has also worked extensively in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Gemma has experience in the field of Optical Transport Networks, and has drafted and prosecuted Standards Essential Patents relating to Radio Access Networks, Core Networks and Security and Privacy of communication systems.

Gemma works closely with engineers and in-house patent counsel to capture all aspects of an invention, and to orient protection towards key markets and commercial priorities.

Alongside her telecommunications practice, Gemma also has considerable experience across a range of electromechanical technology areas including biomechanical and medical engineering, composite materials, automotive and aeronautical components, and alternative energy. In addition to the drafting and prosecution of patent applications and opposition proceedings, Gemma has experience of conducting large scale freedom to operate analysis and patent validity assessment.

After qualifying as a UK and European Patent Attorney in 2008, Gemma spent a year travelling through South East Asia and East Africa.

During her training, Gemma completed a secondment at a multinational orthopaedics company in the US, working with their engineers and in-house IP team on invention capture and portfolio management.

Legal notice – Haseltine Lake Kempner LLP

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MEng (University of Oxford)
UK Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney

What clients say about Gemma:
We particularly appreciate her deep technical understanding, commercial awareness and commitment to quality.